Below is how to create the standard SUNY System Administration signature block in Outlook.
- Go to File
- Click Options on the left-hand side menu
- Click Mail on the left-hand side
- Click Signatures... under Compose Messages
- In the Signatures and Stationary window, click New.
- Create a name for the new signature.
- Create\edit the signature in the box. Use this as a template:
Your Name
Your Title, Your Office
The State University of New York
H. Carl McCall SUNY Building - 353 Broadway
Albany, New York 12246
Your email address
Tel: Fax:
Be a part of Generation SUNY: Facebook - Twitter - YouTube
(Go to: SUNY Logo to get the SUNY Logo for your signature block)
- Set it so that your new signature is the default for your email account.
- If you’d like your signature to automatically be added to new emails, and any replies/forwards, set that.
- Click Save
- Click OK