Note: If you are a member of System Administration or its affiliates (e.g. Charter Schools, RIG, SUNYPress, SBDC), and are looking for assistance with a desktop computing issue, please sign in to this Team Dynamix site to see the full catalog of services available (Click on "Sign-In" in the upper-right of the page). Opening a ticket for anything other than a FMS development request under this service may delay your request as it will not go to the correct group for assistance.
Service Overview
The Financial Management System (FMS) represents the mechanization of financial transactions to maintain an organized method of providing past, present and projected financial information in a uniform, timely and accurate manner. This aspect of the system supports the financial planning, control, and operational functions of the 32 State-operated and statutory campuses.
The system is compatible and integrated to interact with the New York State Office of The State Comptroller State Financial System (OSC-SFS). A computer-to-computer link provides for the bi-directional data transfer capability used every day. The system reconciles, daily, OSC activities and balances, which provide the system with the timeliness and accuracy necessary for proper transaction editing. The reconcilability between systems provides SUNY administrators with the ability to maintain allocation and expenditure data consistent with University reporting and State government requirements.
The functionality within the FMS allows System Administration and SUNY campuses to carry out the normal day-to-day business functions, such as: Procurement, Accounts Payable, Journal transfers and Cash Management. In addition to the traditional transaction records the system will generate the necessary documents required for interacting and doing business with vendors, employees, and all NYS agencies.
Service Scope
The FMS system is available to 32 State Operated Campuses and System Administration
For access, campus users should contact their local security administrator. System Administration users should use the related service request in our service catalog.
Data Integrations
The FMS system has integrations with a number of 3rd party finance and data systems including the Research Foundation (RF), Construction Fund (CF), Office of the State Comptroller (OSC), Department of Budget (DOB), Department of Economic Development (DED), Office of General Services (OGS), Department of Labor (DOL), Governor's Office of Employee Relations (GOER), State Education Department (SED), Jagger, LAWSON, CONCUR, Oracle GL, and B2GNOW.
Applications within the FMS system
The FMS system is composed of a number of applications each with particular functions and features. These include:
- Procurement - The Purchasing module begins with the encumbrance (obligation) of funds at the requisition level. These encumbrances are recorded in a requisition file and several alternatives are available after the completion of the funding screen. The requisition can remain at this level and become a “SUNY only” obligation or it can be turned into a purchase order and the funding transmitted to the State Financial System (SFS).
- Workflow - Workflow provides the ability to route documents for purposes of approval and/or further processing. This is performed by defining routing definitions (approval trees and nodes) based on document type. Approval nodes within workflow can be 1:N in nature. These approval trees are defined and maintained at the campus level.
- Receiving - Shipments can be received at a central location, directly by the ordering department or at the users desktop. Item Receipts will allow the campus to record the quantities of the item received. If there is no need to record item quantities a Short Form Receipt, which records only package/carton counts, can be utilized.
- Accounts Payable / Invoices - Vendor payments are made by the Office of the State Controller (OSC) on a nightly basis. SUNY provides the necessary information (vendor, amount, PO/Contract, remit-to info, etc.) and OSC will either cut the check or do the funds transfer on the payment date specified by SUNY.
- Budget
- Budget Execution - An initial Budgetary Allocation File (FORM-1) provides for the establishment of the Accounting Master File and the production of the initial Budget Execution Document (Certificate #l). The FORM-1 file contains, by chart of account code, the allocation breakdown by SUNY sub- object of expenditure. The data contained in this file balances initially to the New York State Executive Budget as amended and approved by the New York State Legislature and signed by the Governor.
- Budget Preparation - Produces files used in projecting personal service Fiscal Salary and FTE
- Cash - The purpose of these cash management systems is to provide the SUNY System Administration Offices and campuses with the ability to manage and control the cash cycles in the University. These systems include the ability to project cash revenues and disbursements, allow for a reconciliation with SFS, and provides reporting of cash balances for the audited financial statements. The SUNY Controller’s Office continually monitors and manages cash to ensure that net cash inflow covers SUNY’s cash requirements.
- Income Fund Reimbursable Process - The SUNY Income Fund Reimbursable module was developed to assist campus and System Office administrators in the management of self-sufficient (revenues and expenditures generally being equal) sub-projects (accounts). These sub-projects are established to augment or supplement general State appropriations the University receives to fulfill its overall mission of educating students.
- Chart of Accounts Processing - The system is used to maintain a complete source of valid account numbers, by campus, containing descriptions and all necessary attributes to define their funding source. This process maintains all account information (e.g. Cost center, fund, program, authority and project attributes etc.) used in the SUNY finance system. This data is used for validation and reporting purposes. This core data is maintained by the SUNY Controller’s Office via a request by the campuses. Additional campus specific data is maintained by the campuses. In addition to accounts, the finance system maintains multiple types of charts, such as Revenue classes, Sub-objects, OSC Objects, URAS accounts, etc. These chart maintenance processes will be consolidated into one easily accessible process.
- Journal Process - The Journal Process provides the capability to transfer allocations, expenditures, encumbrances, and revenue across source of funds. Journals are a group of activity lines that balance. The sum of debits equals the sum of credits. There is journal activity that is deemed to be one-sided, meaning on a group of credits or only on a group of debits. This journal process is restricted and typically is used at system administration only. The Journal process exists in many forms. Such as: Expenditures SFS and SUNY only), for Allocations, for revenue, for revenue/expense. These journal transactions accommodate both SUNY and SFS activity
- General Ledger - Used exclusively by the University Controller’s Office to produce the University’s audited financial statements. Information in the general ledger is summarized at a high level needed to meet financial reporting requirements in conformity with generally accepted accounting principles.
Service Request Options
To request application enhancements to any of the applications within the FMS system, click on the "Request a New or Revised Feature" button on this page.