Note: If you are a member of System Administration or its affiliates (e.g. Charter Schools, RIG, SUNYPress, SBDC), and are looking for assistance with a desktop computing issue, please sign in to this Team Dynamix site to see the full catalog of services available (Click on "Sign-In" in the upper-right of the page). Opening a ticket for anything other than an IR Development request under this service may delay your request as it will not go to the correct group for assistance.
Service Overview
The Office of Institutional Research and Data Analytics (OIRDA) has broad responsibility for data collection and dissemination; for maintaining several of SUNY’s major data information systems: Student, Term Section, Course, Degree, and Financial Aid; and for overseeing, coordinating, and/or administering key system-wide surveys. The information collected, maintained, and analyzed by OIRDA is used to support and inform SUNY priorities and initiatives and to support and inform system-wide planning and processes. OIRDA staff regularly sit on committees and working groups to provide insight related to SUNY enrollment, metrics, data strategy, surveys, etc. The office also fulfills a number of the mandatory reporting requirements of the National Center for Education Statistics and the State Department of Education on behalf of the SUNY campuses.
The office performs special analytical studies at the request of the Chancellor and the Provost. OIRDA also develops or co-develops user-friendly tools and materials - such as SUNY Excels Executive Data Summaries, the interactive SUNY Fast Facts, various Tableau dashboards, BI dashboards – to allow for greater transparency and information accessibility, both publicly and within SUNY. In addition, the office administers on a regular basis the system-wide SUNY Student Satisfaction Survey and the state- and BOT-mandated Title IX Sexual Violence Prevalence (SVP) Climate Survey. Further, OIRDA informs and supports various research and grant activities. The office also routinely provides data, information, and reports to satisfy requests from both SUNY and non-SUNY entities (including NYS DOB, the governor’s office, and the media).
Service Scope
The Institutional Research application (IR) is available to 31 State operated campuses, 30 community colleges and System Administration.
For access, campus users should contact their local security administrator. System Administration users should use the related service request in our service catalog.
Data Integrations
The IR system has integrations with a number of 3rd party systems for integrating data including Kuali, Degree Works, Transfer Mobility, and GEO Mapping
Applications within the IR system
The IR system is composed of a number of applications each with particular functions and features. These include:
- Data Transfer System (DTS) - Allows campuses to submit academic information on a predetermined schedule.
- Academic Program Enterprise System (APES) - A centralized repository of all Program offerings for the University.
- APES Campus View - Allows campuses to view the Programs associated to their campus.
- Graduate Search Tool - Allows the public the ability to search for graduate programs throughout the University.
- Net Price Calculator - Allows the public to determine the estimated costs of attending a SUNY institution.
- General Education Applications (Courses) - Provides a listing of all General Education courses offered at each SUNY campus.
- Cross Registration - Application to facilitate the cross-registration process at campuses
- SUNY Global ID Webservice - Provides a standardized method for assigning a unique identifier for all students and SUNY employees.
- Microcredentials - A listing of credit-bearing and non-credit bearing microcredentials currently offered by some SUNY campuses. Microcredentials are smaller academic credentials approved through campus faculty governance in accordance with the SUNY Trustees' microcredential policy. They are aligned to business/industry priorities and wherever possible, stack to certificates, initial or advanced degrees.
- Study Abroad - A centralized repository of all Program offerings for the University that are held outside of the United States.
- SmartTrack - A system that is showing financial aid transparency while helping the public to make the best decision in college financing.
- SUNY Online - A centralized repository of online courses and academic programs offered throughout the University.
Service Request Options
To request application enhancements to any of the applications within the IR system, click on the "Request a New or Revised Feature" button on this page.