SUNYNet - Mediasite Hosting

Service Overview:

  •  Since Mediasite is used by many SUNY institutions, SUNYNet worked with Sonic Foundry to develop a multi-tenant Mediasite environment in System Administration’s datacenter where campuses who use Mediasite recorders are able to deliver and store their video content for on demand access.
  • Campuses purchase recording hardware from Sonic Foundry
  • SUNYNet provides direct administration for the Mediasite hosting environment as well as SLA-backed support for the campus IT personnel.
  • No restrictions on live streaming on of content
  • On-demand storage of content is defined within the SLA between SUNYNet and the SUNY institution.
  • SUNYNet staff provides consultation for the selection and configuration of the on-premises hardware and provides support for the service environment.


  • SUNY institutions are relieved from having to maintain their own Mediasite hosting environment.
  • Cost reduction through the shared hosting arrangement and reduced recorder pricing from Sonic Foundry.

Service Level Agreement:

Available upon request.

Requesting the Service

All SUNYNet service offerings can be requested by contacting SUNYNet Technology Services at 518-320-1202, or via the Service Request form.