SUNYNet - Network Performance Monitoring

Service Overview

  • 24/7 monitoring and compilation of system performance data of up to five (5) supported nodes.
  • Customized, on-demand or scheduled reporting of historical customer asset performance data.
  • SUNYNet NOC monitoring of device and system availability.
  • Basic view of U-Wide availability status of all SUNYNet-managed devices.
  • Additional Options:
    • Automated e-mail or SMS alerting with customizable thresholds and frequency
    • Dashboard view of customer assets and their real-time performance.


  • SUNYNet NOC personnel will actively monitor critical network nodes to provide an extra set of eyes in support of your service level agreements.
  • With optional alerting, you can receive e-mail or SMS-based alerts the moment your network device(s) becomes unreachable.  Even without this feature, SUNYNet staff will always be alerted if a campus node's status changes.

Requesting the Service

All SUNYNet service offerings can be requested by contacting SUNYNet Technology Services at 518-320-1202, or via the Service Request form.

Service Level Agreement

Refer to the related knowledge base articles on the right