U-Wide Applications or SUNY.edu Website Incident

Note: If you are a member of System Administration or its affiliates (e.g. Charter Schools, RIG, SUNYPress, SBDC, Construction Fund), and are looking for assistance with a desktop computing issue, please sign in to this Team Dynamix site to see the full catalog of services available (Click on "Sign-In" in the upper-right of the page).


Opening a ticket for anything other than a U-Wide application or website issue under this service may delay your request as it will not go to the correct group for assistance.

Incident Synopsis

Report an issue or error with the public SUNY.edu website, portal, portal applications, or one of the U-Wide Applications developed and maintained by System Administration (BI, FMS, HRMS, IR, EM/ASC, Web Services)

Examples include items such as errors messages, unable to connect notifications, or being unable to login to the portal

Reporting Options

Click on the "Report Issue" button on this page

Note: If you are a student, please contact your local Campus Helpdesk/Service Center for assistance.


Report Issue

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